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Building The Nest For What's Next.

To fuel our work for the next 100 years, Audubon is leveraging a transformative bequest to inspire others who want to leave a gift in their will, retirement plan, or trust. Many gifts cost you nothing now, there is no minimum contribution, and you may change your mind at any time. Click here to learn more.

Tip of the Day

"I can't make a gift to Audubon -- I'm saving for retirement."

We offer a gift plan that can help you do both.

The deferred gift annuity begins lifetime payments when you want them -- and most donors choose retirement as the starting point.

  • The deferral allows us to offer you a higher payment rate than we can for immediate-payment gift annuities, and
  • it generates a larger charitable deduction.

These features make the deferred gift annuity an attractive option for donors in high-earnings years, looking for a significant tax deduction now and an additional source of retirement income later.

Read more... , email us, or contact us at (212) 979-3033.

Costa’s Hummingbird. Photo: Belen Schneider/Audubon Photography Awards

We’re Here To Help! Please contact us for further assistance.

Office of Gift Planning
National Audubon Society
225 Varick Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10014

Your team
Rose Tesone, left, Audubon’s Bequest Manager and Shari S. Kolding, Audubon’s Director of Gift Planning. Photo: Luke Franke/Audubon